Following the groundbreaking success of its initial phase, the Woodside Garden Village Expansion Phase provides more country living pleasures wedged in the rural comfort of a bustling cosmopolitan hideaway. Experience a gratifying sense of security as you enjoy a one-of-a-kind American-Georgian themed lifestyle. Live it up with the family with the peace and tranquility of a uniquely fashioned home only at the Woodside Garden Village Expansion Phase.
Facilities and Amenities
– Village Clubhouse
– Swimming pool
– Basketball court
– Twin tennis courts
– Fishing lagoon
– Parks and playground
– Prime lots
– Landscaped entrance gate
– Street scape
– 22 meter/ 15 meter/ 10 meter Centralized water system
– Centralized electrical system Underground drainage, Cemented roads, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, Perimeter walls
For Reservation and Inquiries Contact us:
RS Sports Club Inc.
(02) 681-5485 to 88
0939-2234048 – Smart
0956-7906318 – Globe
Look for Meng Caldito / Teresa Du